Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ch. 2. Hoover, L.M. Bloomfield and Permindex

Above: Clay Laverne Shaw (1913 - 1974), the New Orleans businessman who became the main target of District Attorney Jim Garrison's 1967 investigation and 1969 trial.

Clay Shaw, the defendant in the New Orleans assassination case and L.M.Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada, were the only North American members of both the Board of Directors of Permindex and Centro-Mondiale Comerciale. Shaw had been one of the incorporators of the Swiss corporation, Permindex. (Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, 1963 and 1964). 

The other members of the Board include a publisher of the fascist National-Zeitung in West Germany, an Italian industrialist who married into the family of Adolph Hitler's finance minister, and a Rome lawyer, the Secretary of the Fascist Party. (Public Corporation Records Office, Berne, Switzerland.)

 Above: Ferenc Nagy

Also on the Board of Permindex was  

Ferenc Nagy, a Solidarist and Prime Minister of Hungary from 1946 to 1947; George Mandel, alias Mantello, a Hungarian fascist who supervised attempts to purchase national monuments for real estate development in Italy, and Munir Chourbagi, an uncle of King Farouk. Chourbagi was the victim in a recent murder in Italy.

The ruling clique of Permindex and its two subsidiaries, the Italo-American Hotel Corporation and Centro Mondiale Comerciale, in addition to the sophisticated Nazis and fascists heretofore named, were:

·         Gutierez di Spadafora, who was under-secretary of agriculture in Mussolini's fascist regime and who was also a ruling lord in the Mafia with Italy and Southern Europe as his land area; 

·         Enrico Mantello (Henry Mandel, brother of George Mandel); 

·         Giuseppe Zigiotti, the head of the Italian political party Fascist Nationalist Association for Militia Arms; and 

·         Hungarian emigre and former Nazi, H. Simonfay

(The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, Meredith Press, 1969).

On December 1, 1962, the representative of the publication Who's Who in the South and Southwest was told by Clay Shaw in New Orleans that he was a director for the Swiss Corporation, Permindex. Shaw was also one of the directors for Centro Mondiale Comerciale of Rome. As we shall see later, one purpose of Permindex was the funding of the 1961 and 1962 assassination attempts on DeGaulle. 

Both firms being directed by the same men, the stated corporate purpose was to encourage trade between nations. Their actual purpose was fourfold:

1. To fund and direct assassination of European, Mid-East and world leaders considered threats to the Western World and to petroleum interests of the backers. 

2. To furnish couriers, agents, and management in transporting, depositing and re-channeling funds through Swiss banks for Las Vegas, Miami, Havana and international gambling syndicate. 

3. To co-ordinate the espionage activities of the Solidarists and Division Five of the FBI with groups in sympathy with their objectives and to receive and channel funds from the financiers to the action groups. 

4. To build, acquire and operate hotels and gambling casinos in the Caribbean, Italy and other tourist areas. 

(Basel Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967; also 1959 thru 1969 files; Il Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; Il Tempe, Rome, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records; Swiss Intelligence, J.F. Kennedy files).

The principal financiers of Permindex were: 

·         a number of U. S. oil companies,
·         H. L. Hunt of Dallas,
·         Clint Murchison of Dallas,
·         John De Menil, Solidarist director of Houston,
·         John Connally as executor of the Sid Richardson estate,
·         Haliburton Oil Co.,
·         Senator Robert Kerr of Oklahoma,
·         Troy Post of Dallas,
·         Lloyd Cobb of New Orleans,
·         Dr. Oschner of New Orleans,
·         George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root, Houston,
·         Attorney Roy M. Cohn, Chairman of the Board for Lionel Corporation, New York City,
·         Schenley Industries of New York City,
·         Walter Dornberger, ex-Nazi General and his company, Bell Aerospace,
·         Pan American World Airways, its subsidiary, Intercontinental Hotel Corporation,
·         Paul Raigorodsky of Dallas through his company, Claiborne Oil of New Orleans,
·         Credit Suisse of Canada,
·         Heineken's Brewery of Canada, and
·         a host of other munition makers and NASA contractors directed by the Defense Industrial Security Command. (Ibid.)

The gambling syndicate and Mafia contracting agents who handled the transactions with Permindex were:

·         Ex-President Carlos Prio Socarras of Havana, Miami and Houston,
·         Clifford Jones of Las Vegas,
·         Morris “Mo” Dalitz of Las Vegas, Detroit, Cleveland and Havana, former head of the Cleveland mob and close friend of Hunt, Hoover and Roy Cohn,
·         L.J. McWillie of Las Vegas, a gambling partner with Cliff Jones,
·         Bobby Baker of Washington, D.C.,
·         Ed Levinson of Las Vegas,
·         Benny Seigelbaum of Miami,
·         Henry Crown of Chicago, associate of the Mafia,
·         Patrick Hoy of the controlling clique in General Dynamics and
·         Joe Bonanno of Lionel Corporation of New York. (Ibid.)

It should be pointed out here that John Connally, Paul Raigorodsky and Jean De Menil were close friends and business associates. The were members of an exclusive club in Northern Jamaica. The name of the club was Tryall located on Montego Bay.  

Bill Stephenson, former head of British Intelligence in the U.S., started in the club in 1946. Connally, DeMenil and Raigorodsky owned and still own palatial retreats within the tightly guarded Tryall compound. L.M. Bloomfield met with the three on numerous occasions at Tryall in Jamaica. (Warren Commission, vol. IX, pp. 3 and 4; New Orleans District Attorney Records).

Among Connally's assigned duties was the keeping of Texas police agencies in line after the murder. John Connally was an active participant in the assassination plans, but he was one of the agents whose over-all knowledge was limited by the "need to know basis."

One of the banks through which the American backers channeled funds to Permindex was Astaldo Vaduz in Miami, Florida. As a matter of fact, the Miami bank was owned and controlled by the Permindex financiers and board members. 

The European banks handling the accounts were: 

·         De Famaco Vaduz, Liechtenstein,
·         Crédit Bank of Geneva, Switzerland, (Crédit Bank and Crédit Suisse are one and the same),
·         Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy,
·         De Famaco Astalde Vaduz, Switzerland, and
·         Seligman Bank of Basel, Switzerland. 

The attorney for the transactions through the Miami bank was Alex Carlson, Double-Chek's Miami Springs manager. (Basel Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967; also 1959 thru 1969 files; Il Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; Il Tempe, Rome, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records; Swiss Intelligence, J.F. Kennedy files).

Alex Carlson turned the entire CIA Double-Chek organization and personnel over to Division Five of the FBI to work for Permindex in executing the assassination thus causing many astute observers to mistakenly believe the CIA carried out the affair.

L.M. Bloomfield, a lawyer of Montreal, Canada and a long time friend and confidant of J. Edgar Hoover, has been Hoover's contract supervisor of Division Five since his days in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) before World War II. Bloomfield held one-half of the shares of Permindex and was in total command of its operation in Europe and Africa as well as the North and South American continents. He was the co-ordinator of all activities responsible only to Hoover and Johnson in carrying out the plans for John Kennedy's assassination. (Ibid.)

Bloomfield ordered Permindex's Ferenc Nagy and George Mandel, alias Giorgio Mantello, to the United States in 1962 where they helped to supervise the plans. Mandell was assigned to the Los Angeles, California area. Ferenc Nagy, former Premier of Hungary in 1946 and 1947, settled in Dallas, Texas, where he contacted H.L. Hunt, Igor Voshinin, George Bouhe, Peter Gregory of Fort Worth, Paul Raigorodsky and other members of the Solidarists and took command of actual planning in the Southwest. 

It should be pointed out that although the White Russians were dominant in the Solidarists, it contained East Europeans, Jewish and Orthodox Christians and even Arabic nationals whose countries had been taken over by Communists. (Ibid.)
Nagy in Dallas over the months before November 22, 1963, worked with:

·         Carlos Prio Socarras and Alex Carlson in Miami,
·         Clay Shaw in New Orleans,
·         John De Menil in Houston,
·         Clifford Jones and L.J. McWillie in Las Vegas,
·         Bobby Baker and Fred Korth in Washington, D.C.,
·         Albert Osborne, alias J.H. Bowen, of Laredo, Texas and Mexico,
·         Roy Cohn in New York City, and
·         others all under the direction of L.M. Bloomfield in making the plans and preparations. (Ibid.)

Albert Osborne, the missionary supervisor of the professional assassins, met Nagy in Laredo, Texas a short time before the November date.

The details of the movement of the professionals were worked out and Osborne then travelled to Montreal where he conferred with his direct boss of over twenty years, L.M. Bloomfield. (Ibid.; XXV, 74 et seq.)
On November 22, Osborne and about ten of his riflemen were living at 3126 Harlendale in Oak Cliff, a section of Dallas. Three of his professionals were at Tammie True's house in Fort Worth and Leon Oswald, alias William Seymour, had been at the Oak Cliff address for about four weeks. Before dark on November 23, l963, Osborne, Seymour, Gonzales and the other riflemen were out of Dallas. (Ibid.)

This is the nomenclature of the assassination team. That is the way John F. Kennedy met his death in Dallas.

At the top was
·         Johnson,
·         Hoover,
·         Bloomfield,
·         Nagy,
·         De Menil,
·         Prio,
·         Jenkins,
·         Hunt,
·         Baker,
·         Jones,
·         McWillie,
·         Von Braun,
·         Cohn,
·         Korth,
·         Connally and
·         Murchison. 

L.M. Bloomfield was in overall charge responsible only to Hoover and Johnson.

The second layer of participants with supervisory and working assignments under Bloomfield and the first group were:

·         Walter Dornberger, ex-Nazi General,
·         Guy Bannister,
·         Albert Osborne of A.C.C.C.,
·         E.E. Bradley of A.C.C.C.,
·         Morris Dalitz of Las Vegas,
·         Major General John B. Medaris,
·         Robert McKeown,
·         Igor Voshinin,
·         George Bouhe,
·         Peter Gregory,
·         Maurice Gatlin,
·         Sergio Arcacha Smith,
·         Lee Harvey Oswald,
·         William Seymour,
·         David Ferrie,
·         T. Gonzales,
·         Manuel Garcia Gonzales,
·         Layton Martens,
·         Gordon Novel,
·         Walter Sheridan,
·         William Dalzell,
·         Paul Raigorodsky,
·         Joe Bonanno,
·         Dimitri Royster of A.C.C.C.,
·         Alex Carlson,
·         George Mandel,
·         Breck Wall,
·         Clay Shaw,
·         Joe Cody,
·         Jake Kosloff,
·         Mike McLaney,
·         Ruth and Mike Paine,
·         Igor Vagonov,
·         Jack Bowen,
·         Mike Ryan,
·         Tammie True,
·         Max Cherry,
·         Patrick Hoy,
·         David Hoy,
·         James Powell and
·         a number of others with limited assignments informed only enough to carry out the assignments with dispatch.

There were others involved also, but the published evidence up to 1969 is such that it would be unfair to name them.

Substantially the same management under Bloomfield of Montreal and J. Edgar Hoover planned and carried out the execution of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. Albert Osborne had his riflemen in Memphis and one of his professionals fired the fatal shot at King. Ray was used as Oswald had earlier been used. 

The book, The Strange Case of James Earl Ray reveals that Ray was a persistent visitor to the International Trade Mart in New Orleans just prior to the killing and that the real assassin of King entered the naval base near Memphis, Tennessee, where Division Five maintains a headquarters, only minutes after King's assassination. He was in the white Mustang involved in the mysterious chase described on police radio immediately after the killing. 

On August 4,1969, James Earl Ray confirmed that Division Five of the FBI was used in the slaying of Martin Luther King, Jr. He stated on that date that Dr. King was killed by federal agents and that they used him to be a fall guy.

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